
The Training Grounds @ BODYPLEX was created specifically for our members who want to take their fitness and their results to new heights.

From beginners looking for education and expertise regarding proper form and execution of a multitude of exercises to the athlete wanting to shock their body with a new perspective and motivational coach, The Training Grounds offers customized programming that expedites one’s path to progress.

Used as a catalyst to spark progress at any level, it features personal, one-on-one or small group (1-4 people) training for individuals looking to achieve a specific goal AND high-intensity, team training led by nationally certified trainers for total metabolic shock! It’s ENGAGING, CHALLENGING and FUN!


To schedule a complimentary consultation to discuss your goals and receive a customized Plex Plan (a Bodyplex-pioneered exclusive) that incorporate’s your goals, schedule availability and our programming options into a weekly schedule that sets you up for success in our facility, simply claim it below.
Contact Brian Thompkins at:



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